Using Redirects

Redirect between steps in your Looply Workflows

Redirect Steps enable users to navigate within a workflow either backwards, to create a loop and repeat a series of events - or forwards, to skip over a series of steps.

Configure Redirects

You can get started configuring your redirect by clicking on a + button in your workflow and selecting the Redirect step from the Workflow's toolbox.

Afterward, open the dropdown menu in the step sidebar and choose the specific step you wish to redirect to from this point in your workflow.

Redirect Limitations

The following steps are not supported when using redirects within your workflow, and therefore cannot be selected from the step selection dropdown menu.

  • Event Trigger - prevents re-execution of entire workflow (use Trigger Workflow step instead)

  • Redirect - prevents possible infinite loops or chained redirects

  • Terminate - prevents redirect to termination (use direct Terminate step instead)

Last updated